Oct 29, 2011

Always Upgrading

Hello Friends, As you can see we are always working to make this site the best possible experience for you our loyal fans and viewers. Two new shows have been posted, one is Italian Week where Chef Mick shares his own twist on some Italian staples. Also you will find PIZZA WEEKEND..... a show created to help you break that nasty "take out pizza" habit and actually have your favorite Pizza whenever you want..... Thanks for watching and please share the sites with everyone you know....

Oct 28, 2011

Pizza Weekend!

That's right, Chef Mick shows you how to make and use pizza dough for a variety of projects. Here a taste of how to do it:

Oct 18, 2011

Veggie Delight

Our new show tomorrow will be all vegetarian or vegan food..... our main attraction is a great dish of VEGAN CHILI... now a lot of people make some form of Vegan/Vegetarian Chili, this is my take and I promise it is an incredible dish... We will also talk about this great bread (more like cracker) that you can use to sop up the chili with...while you will think that this bread is not vegan, believe me with the ingredients we use, it will be..... so read the recipes and buy your groceries because on Oct. 19th it is on like Donkey Kong.....

Vegan Chili

You need:

Golden Potatoes—small dice
Red Onion—small dice
Tomato Sauce
Whole Peeled Tomatoes
Anaheim Green Chili
Cumin/Comino Powder
Chili Powder
Salt and Pepper to taste
Canola Oil

In medium to large pot, depending on how much you make, heat the Canola Oil and Sautee the Potatoes and Red Onion until potatoes are browned.

Add Garlic and can of Tomato Sauce mixed with water, as your base, and allow the potatoes to stew. Add the Comino, Chili Powder and any other spices you crave.

Add beans, your choice on the type, and deseed and dice the Green Chili and add also.

Allow this to stew or cook on the stove top for about 30 more minutes until the Potatoes are soft.

Absolutely a great Chili Dish


1 c. flour
3 tbsp. sugar
Dash of salt
1/2 stick butter (we will use Smart Balance which contains no animal by products and is gluten-free but with the flour we use that part not so much)

Blend ingredients together like pie crust. Stir in 6 tablespoons milk (Almond milk or Silk which is soybean based)or as much as is needed. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.

Oct 9, 2011

Next show Oct. 19----Veggie Delight

While still working on some small tech issues, I just wanted everyone to know how much fun we are having on our end. While the small issues are frustrating, the are frustratingly fun too. Challenging our IT abilities while still trying to focus on the product we put out makes this the most fun you can have on the Internet with your clothes on....

Look for us again on Wednesday Oct. 19th with a brand new show, VEGGIE DELIGHT, where we will show off some Vegetarian and Vegan dishes.

Thank you for watching,,,

Chef Mick

Oct 7, 2011

New Look, Same Great Food

As you can see we have made some changes to the look of the website, added video feeds from Livestream and YouTube and now you can see past shows and my past videos...

Thank you all for checking it out....

Oct 3, 2011

ALOHA, get out the grass skirts

The show coming up with have a Hawaiian twist to it as we explore the great food on a stick called a Ke-Bob

GRILLED KEBOB (chicken & pork)

skewers (metal or wood)if using wood please soak in water for at least 1/2 hour
Griddle/large flat skillet/gas bbq

Chicken breast
Pork Loin
Bell Pepper (red/green/yellow) which ever you like
jar of cocktail onions (or white onion sliced not diced)
can of Pineapple chunks, drained
salt and pepper


frozen mixed veggies (peas, carrots, ect.)
Green Onion
pineapple chuncks
tumeric (saffron is great but expensive)
Broth--(chicken or vegetable)
salt and pepper

Island style slaw

Red Cabbage
Green Cabbage
Green Onion
pineapple chunks
chili powder
salt and pepper
rice wine vinegar

Please feel free to interact with all participants and ask the chef questions...

thank you