Hollandaise In a Blender

Steamed and Sushi Rice

Fruit Salad

Champagne Butter Sauce

Grill Prep

Graham Cracker Crust

Chef Mick will show you some personal gift Ideas that you can make from your kitchen..... Watch and Enjoy

Infused Olive Oil

Great Grilled Cheese

Crock Pot Magic

Mini-sode #1--Empanada Dough

this dough can be used for Savory or Sweet Empanadas

Life Lessons

PICO DE GALLO...Relish it!

All you need are Onion, Tomato and Jalapeno, but add salt and lime jucie for good measure.

BETTER BEANS.... to make canned beans into great beans just do this!!
you need Onions, Tomatoes, Jalapenos and Bacon (if you like it)


Monday Snack Day--Apple Slices w/lime and salt

Quite a PICKLE... Pickled cucumber with cilantro...


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