Apr 29, 2014

Hotel Cooking by Chef Mick (+playlist)


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/4AuGiF9VZCE?list=UUljPgm4XDRDuvJQj1xqaJFw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Apr 27, 2014

New series and newsletter

Coming in May of 2014, Chef Mick will begin and new video series entitled "Hotel Cooking". This series will focus on making homemade meals while on the go. Hotels offer special challenges to cooks especially when it comes to kitchens. The Residence Inn, where the show will be taped, offers a two burner electric stove and standard microwave oven, with no other options you will find that not all dishes will be possible but but even the improbable can be accomplished.