Aug 28, 2012


That's right ladies and gentlemen, Season 2 of the best cooking show on the internet,or anywhere else for that matter, premiers SEPTEMBER 12, 1012 @ 7pm on the East coast, 6pm central (that means my friends and family back in Texas) 5pm mountain (for all you El Paso and New Mexico fans) and of course 4pm Pacific (from Alpine, be fair, I know there are a bunch of other states, but I am never sure what time zone they are in, so my fans there please do your own math and tune it also. While my diet has changed this summer, the show will continue to offer dishes and drinks for every diet. Now is the time to let your friends and family know all about it and to make sure your computer is up to date. You do not want to miss this SEASON. Remember, "if you know how to cook, you can marry for looks"

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