Mar 2, 2012

Facebook "Like Us" Contest

Facebook “Like US” Contest
 The contest is open to anyone on Facebook
 Jonesing for Jalapeno Jelly?
 Have a hankering for Hollandaise sauce?
 Looking for a lively Libation?

Then enter our “Like Us” contest and you can Win your own Special Request Show!
 In order to raise our “Brand” awareness, we are conducting a small contest on our Facebook Page. (Cooking for the Boys)
The first person to bring 25 “likes” to our Facebook page will win a SPECIAL COOKING FOR THE BOYS LIVE! Episode, featuring their meal of choice.
The Rules are very simple….
 1. No current “Likes” will count. (we do know all of those)
2. In order to keep track of who you bring in, have them “like” our page and then post on our wall “I am liking this page for _____”
3. Once someone “Likes” our page, they then are eligible to bring in 25 likes (not counting their own)
4. Contest ends with the first person to bring in 25 “likes” being the 1st place winner and the person with the next highest numbers of “likes” will be the 2nd place winner. (Ties will be settled by the Administrators)

FIRST PLACE: A SPECIAL REQUEST EPISODE OF: Cooking for the Boys LIVE!... The winner may request a special dish, meal or dessert that will be aired live on and @ . It will also be recorded and shared on YouTube,, Facebook and Twitter.
 SECOND PLACE: A SPECIAL REQUEST EPISODE OF: Friday Happy Hour… The winner may request a special drink with or without alcohol that will be recorded and shared on YouTube,, Facebook and Twitter.

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